Tuesday, April 7, 2020

COVID Levels Are Wildly Different Across the Southeast

I've written before about how North Carolina seems to be tracking very differently from states with similar populations.  The graphs from that story are updated daily and can be found here.

Now lets take a quick look across the southeast in general.  The states have wide ranges of population, so I looked at cases per million per state:

New Orleans is several times worse off than the other states. North Carolina has one of the lowest case amounts in the Southeast -- particularly for a state with so many relatively dense urban areas. we're literally surrounded by states with significantly higher case counts.  While we're still experiencing tragic losses to COVID, there's few better places to be in the US right now.  In terms of lowest COVID levels per population, we're 11 out of 50 states.  In terms of fatalities per population, we're 9th.


  1. Hi Chris, thanks for all your efforts on this! Is this based on population or on tests administered to date? In other words is North Carolina looking differently because we have done less testing?

  2. Hi, NC is close to its pro-rata on testing. You can look up the number of tests done state by state at https://covidtracking.com/data if you want to look for yourself.
